In Flip the Script, author Christian Acker spent 10 years gathering a wide range of hand styles, contextualizing the lettering work of graffiti writers from around the United States. Through interviews and writing samples, Flip the Script offers deep access to some of the most talented writers in the country. These hand style heavyweights share their thoughts on subjects such as how they developed their talent and how the regional graffiti dialects differ. Acker presents the material in a clean, structured layout, evoking classic typography books, BIG SLEEPS, MIKE GIANT, SLICK, SIVEL, POSE, AGUA, ESPO, TAKI 183, LSD Om, STAY HIGH 149, STAN 153, FREEDOM, KAVES, HAZE, CHINO, SURE, FAUST, COOL DISCO DAN, AREK, STAB, JASE, MAZE ONE, SR ONE, RELM, ALERT, RYZE, CAYPE, MES, LEAD, SEAZ, GREY, AMAZE, SMOKER, DUG ONE, SPIE, RENOS, DASH, OILER,
In Flip the Script, author Christian Acker spent 10 years gathering a wide range of hand styles, contextualizing the lettering work of graffiti writers from around the United States. Through interviews and writing samples, Flip the Script offers deep access to some of the most talented writers in the country. These hand style heavyweights share their thoughts on subjects such as how they developed their talent and how the regional graffiti dialects differ. Acker presents the material in a clean, structured layout, evoking classic typography books, BIG SLEEPS, MIKE GIANT, SLICK, SIVEL, POSE, AGUA, ESPO, TAKI 183, LSD Om, STAY HIGH 149, STAN 153, FREEDOM, KAVES, HAZE, CHINO, SURE, FAUST, COOL DISCO DAN, AREK, STAB, JASE, MAZE ONE, SR ONE, RELM, ALERT, RYZE, CAYPE, MES, LEAD, SEAZ, GREY, AMAZE, SMOKER, DUG ONE, SPIE, RENOS, DASH, OILER,
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