即購入可です。バラ売り不可でお願いします。 中の花札本体を包んでいる箱は未開封です。 外パッケージはありません。 クリアケース部分は綺麗です。写真でご確認をお願いします。 【発送について】 緩衝材で包み、宅急便コンパクト(らくらくメルカリ便)にてお届けします すり替え防止のためNRでお願いします。Welcome to our store. We have a very special item: Pokemon hanafuda cards. Hanafuda are traditional Japanese playing cards with 48 cards and 12 suits, each with a flower. You can play various games with them, such as koi-koi and hachi-hachi. These cards are made by Nintendo, the famous video game company. They have 48 different Pokemon with beautiful illustrations and gold foil accents. They are very rare and valuable, and they are in mint condition. They have never been opened or used. They are a collector’s item, and we only have one set left. Would you like to see them? They are in this display case. Please ask me if you have any questions or if you want to buy them. Thank you.
即購入可です。バラ売り不可でお願いします。 中の花札本体を包んでいる箱は未開封です。 外パッケージはありません。 クリアケース部分は綺麗です。写真でご確認をお願いします。 【発送について】 緩衝材で包み、宅急便コンパクト(らくらくメルカリ便)にてお届けします すり替え防止のためNRでお願いします。Welcome to our store. We have a very special item: Pokemon hanafuda cards. Hanafuda are traditional Japanese playing cards with 48 cards and 12 suits, each with a flower. You can play various games with them, such as koi-koi and hachi-hachi. These cards are made by Nintendo, the famous video game company. They have 48 different Pokemon with beautiful illustrations and gold foil accents. They are very rare and valuable, and they are in mint condition. They have never been opened or used. They are a collector’s item, and we only have one set left. Would you like to see them? They are in this display case. Please ask me if you have any questions or if you want to buy them. Thank you.
キイロイトリ ぬいぐるみ ドライヤー リラックマストア限定
Nゲージ 鉄道模型 TOMIX207系旧塗装ジャンク品
AUTOart 1/18 アルファロメオ ティーポ33/2 ストラダーレ 67
ミニ四駆 大量
White Tails ワイテルズ 極楽湯コラボ
廃盤 トミカ 112 レガシィ B4
300台限定ワイスピ ゴールデンランボルギーニ ガヤルド
KATO E231系0番台 中央・総武緩行線【新品,未使用品】