I would like to sell them as a set. but please tell me if you prefer to buy them separately. These are well loved tableware in our home. Used quite a few times but are still relatively in a beautiful state. 1 big plate has a chipped side on it. If you dont want to purchase this plate, please tell me. There are some stains underneath the plates. So please consider when buying. Overall, the items are in used condition so please purchase without expecting perfection. I am looking forward to work with you.
I would like to sell them as a set. but please tell me if you prefer to buy them separately. These are well loved tableware in our home. Used quite a few times but are still relatively in a beautiful state. 1 big plate has a chipped side on it. If you dont want to purchase this plate, please tell me. There are some stains underneath the plates. So please consider when buying. Overall, the items are in used condition so please purchase without expecting perfection. I am looking forward to work with you.
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